Web Design

Creating a website can be a hard and lengthy process if you do not know what you are doing. Maybe you have a vision for your new website but you don't know how to make it. Or maybe you do not know where to even start. There's no need to worry. I can make this experience stress free for you. See my process below.

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This is where I get to know you and your goals. This phase helps to set the purpose of your website.

Target Audience?


Website Flow


Here I begin to design your website using your current branding or starting from scratch.

Website Layout

Colour Palette



Every website needs to be tested. Testing helps to see if users are able to easily use your website for it's intended purpose.

Error Rate

Ease of Use


Once testing is complete depending on the results there may need to be some changes made to the design before launch.

Finalize Design

Next Steps